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  • tourism
From Colonialism to Tourism: Maps in American Culture
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

From the earliest days of settlement and migration, the people of North America have relied on maps and mapping to understand their environment and place within it. Maps have helped Americans prospect investments, comprehend war, and plan leisure in places unknown. As Americans have used maps to explore the U.S., capitalize on its resources, and displace its Native peoples, maps have shaped American cultural ideas about travel, place, and ownership. This exhibit explores the cultural and historic impact of mapping through four specific moments in American history: migration along the Oregon Trail, the rise of the lumber industry, the Civil War, and the popularization of the automobile and individual tourism. It concludes with a look at maps in the age of computers, the Internet, and beyond. These moments demonstrate the influence maps have had over how Americans imagine, exploit, and interact with national geographies and local places. This exhibition was created as part of the DPLA’s Digital Curation Program by the following students in Professor Helene Williams's capstone course at the Information School at the University of Washington: Greg Bem, Kili Bergau, Emily Felt, and Jessica Blanchard. Additional revisions and selections made by Greg Bem.

Social Science
Social Studies
Material Type:
Primary Source
Unit of Study
Digital Public Library of America
Provider Set:
DPLA Exhibitions
Emily Felt
Greg Bem
Jessica Blanchard
Kili Bergau
Date Added:
Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality in BC
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This textbook is an introduction to the tourism and hospitality industry in British Columbia, and is written with a first year college and university audience in mind. It is a collaborative work with input from educators, industry leaders, employers, and past graduates of BC’s tourism and hospitality management programs. All chapters have been reviewed by experts in the field. Each chapter is organized thematically moving from a global, then national, and finally provincial context. Chapters contain "Spotlight On" boxes that highlight an organization, business, or other key component and "Take a Closer Look" features that encourage further reading on particular subjects. Key terms, exercises and case studies can be found at the end of each chapter.

Education and Training
Material Type:
Provider Set:
BCcampus Open Textbooks
Don Webster
Donna Owens
Eugene Thomlinson
Geoffrey Bird
Griff Tripp
Heather Knowles
Keith Henry
Kelly Glazer
Lynda Robinson
Micki McCartney
Morgan Westcott
Peter Briscoe
Ray Freeman
Rebecca Wilson-Mah
Terry Hood
Date Added:
Recreational Tourism in the Mountain West
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Since before the creation of the first National Parks and Wilderness areas, the Mountain West region has provided ample recreational opportunities in its wide open spaces and rocky terrains. The mountains, deserts, and plains have given visitors the chance to commune with nature and participate in a plethora of outdoor sports and activities. Utah, in particular, but the rest of the Mountain West states (Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho) generally, has unique natural settings for many recreational activities that continue to be enjoyed by tourists from across the world. The impact of tourism on the economy and development of the region has been largely positive. However, tourism also increases the human footprint in natural areas, landmarks, and historic sites. This exhibition describes the benefits to the region and its visitors, as well as some of the impacts that tourism has on the natural environment and other economic activities. This exhibition was created as part of the DPLA’s Public Library Partnerships Project by collaborators from Mountain West Digital Library. Exhibition organizer: Della Yeager.

Social Science
Social Studies
Material Type:
Primary Source
Unit of Study
Digital Public Library of America
Provider Set:
DPLA Exhibitions
Della Yeager
Date Added: