All resources in Business Management
Business Management Curriculum Year 1, Human Resources, Business Management Curriculum Year 1, Human Resources, Resume Lesson 3 Unit 9 Y1
(View Complete Item Description)In this lesson students will:Define terminology.Create a resume and a reference list.
Material Type: Lesson Plan
English Language Arts in CTE, ELA Communication Lessons, Communication - Writing a Resume Lesson
(View Complete Item Description)In this lesson students learn the different types of resumes and their purposes. They work to identify the parts of a resume and then create their own.
Material Type: Lesson
Business Management Curriculum Year 1, Business Management Curriculum Overview, Business Management Scope & Sequence and Task Analysis
(View Complete Item Description)A Scope and Sequence document is a tool that provides a brief outline of the standards and recommended teaching order for a particular course. A Scope and Sequence document outlines for each year of the program three crucial learning criteria: the Technical and Professional Skill Standards to be taught in each unit, the suggested order for teaching the content and skills, and the number of units to be included in each grading cycle or quarter.The suggested Task Analysis refers to the suggested flow of each unit to ensure coherence and completeness. Its purpose is to give direction to designing curriculum. It is aligned to both the Program Blueprint for Instruction & Assessment as well as the Instructional Framework and Scope and Sequence.
Material Type: Student Guide
Business Management Curriculum Year 1, Workplace Communication, Business Management Workplace Communications Organizational Communication Lesson 1 Unit 1 Y1
(View Complete Item Description)In this less, students will:Define terminology.Describe organizational communications.
Material Type: Lesson Plan
Resource Library | BME & CMT Mini Virtual Conference
(View Complete Item Description)This document captures the information, resources and links shared during the July, 2020 BME & CMT Mini-Virtual Conference.
Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy
NRF Foundation: Shaping retail's future
(View Complete Item Description)Retail offers a fresh start and a way forward for millions of American job seekers. As the philanthropic arm of the National Retail Federation, we build a bridge between a growing industry with hundreds of thousands of open positions and people looking for a first start, or a second chance. In January 2017, we launched our RISE Up (Retail Industry Skills and Education) training and credentials program.
Material Type: Primary Source
AZ Retail Careers
(View Complete Item Description)CAREERS IN RETAIL Welcome to Arizona's only targeted retail sector-focused resource for information and tools for job seekers, frontline workers, retail employers and workforce development professionals.
Material Type: Primary Source
200+ Free Tutorials at
(View Complete Item Description)Over 200+ videos, tutorials, and modules covering Computers, Technology, the Internet, Software Applications, Career Planning, Job Search, Money Management, Workplace Skills, Applying for Jobs, Work Life, Digital Skills, Photography and Graphics, Social Media, and more along with Teacher Guides and additional Resources and Tools.
Material Type: Activity/Lab, Interactive, Module, Teaching/Learning Strategy
BME and CMT Resource Corner - September 2020
(View Complete Item Description)The monthly newsletter for Business and Marketing Educators as well as Communication Media Technologies teachers from your Program Specialist at ADE.
Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy
GeoInquiries - Standards-Based Inquiry Activities for Teaching Map-Based Content
(View Complete Item Description)GeoInquiries™ are short, standards-based inquiry activities for teaching map-based content found in commonly used textbooks. Each activity is designed using a common inquiry model and can be presented quickly from a single computer and projector or modified for students’ hands-on engagement. Collections of 15-20 activities per topic enhance your curriculum throughout the year. For more GeoInquiry resources, see the Guide "Getting to Know GeoInquiries".
Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan, Teaching/Learning Strategy
JA AZ Educator JA Inspire Virtual flier by Junior...
(View Complete Item Description)Junior Achievement Inspire Virtual is JA's career development program for Middle and High School students brought to life by Arizona's top employers.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
Arizona Business Education Association (ABEA)
(View Complete Item Description)Arizona Business Education Association (ABEA) Mission; to provide support, professional growth, and leadership opportunities to business, media, and technology educators through networking and conferences. We are Arizona Business Educators!
Material Type: Primary Source
TEACHER SUBMITTED - Business Management, Teacher Submitted - Business Management, ADE Assessment Sample Items - Business Management
(View Complete Item Description)This bank of assessment items is provided by ADE and reflects one question per technical standard.
Material Type: Assessment
Business Management Curriculum Year 1, Business Management Curriculum Overview, Business Management Year 1 Benchmark Assessment
(View Complete Item Description)This Year 1 Assessment Test Map is aligned to the Blueprint for Instruction and Assessment as well as the Scope & Sequence. It documents the number of assessment items on the Year 1 Program Benchmark Assessment in alignment with the Technical Skills Assessment. This Test Map corresponds with the technical standards endorsed in May 2021.
Material Type: Assessment
Assessment Resources, Assessment Resources, Technical Skills Assessment Review PROJECT
(View Complete Item Description)In this lesson the students will:Prepare for the technical skills assessment by reviewing materials.Create a presentation relating to state standards and present findings to the class.Demonstrate knowledge of technical standards in a practice assessment.Demonstrate mastery of program knowledge in final assessment.
Material Type: Lesson
TEACHER SUBMITTED - Business Management, Teacher Submitted - Business Management, Business Management Assessment Items
(View Complete Item Description)The items contained in this bank were developed in alignment with the Item Writing Guidelines used by the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) for the Technical Skills Assessments (TSA) and align with the curriculum posted on the CTE Curriculum Connection. These items are unique and not part of the ADE Item Bank although they mimic items students may see on the TSA.
Material Type: Assessment