Carpentry Teacher wanted for Benchmark Assessment and Instructional Terminology Projects

by Support AZCTECC 9 months, 2 weeks ago

The AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium is currently seeking a certified AZ CTE Carpentry teacher to support the development of two grant-funded instructional resources including a Year 1 Benchmark Assessment and Program Instructional Terminology list.

We provide the training and materials. You provide the content expertise!

If you are interested in these two projects, which can be completed remotely and asychnronously, and are estimated to take a total of 12 hours with a deadline of January, 2024, please complete THIS FORM and we'll be in touch. 

Want more information? Additional details for the Benchmark Assessment are provided in this PDF including the timeframe, components, and compensation. HERE is a link to a brief video that describes the resource.

Questions? Reply now or email