All resources in Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education Curriculum Year 1, Early Childhood Education Curriculum Overview, Early Childhood Education Scope & Sequence

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A Scope and Sequence document is a tool which provides a brief outline of the standards and recommended teaching order for a particular course. A Scope and Sequence document outlines for each year of the program three crucial learning criteria: the Technical and Professional Skill Standards to be taught in each unit, the suggested order for teaching the content and skills, the number of units to be included in each grading cycle or quarter.

Material Type: Student Guide

Author: AZCTECC .

Early Childhood Education Curriculum Year 1, Health and Nutrition in Young Children, ECE Unbalanced Diet - Lesson 3 Unit 9 Year 1

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In this lesson, students will learn and demonstrate proper hand washing procedures for children and adults as well as perform personal care procedures and well-being of young children. Additionally, this lesson explores nutrition guidelines, including the planning and implementation of safe, developmentally appropriate food experiences for young children.

Material Type: Lesson, Lesson Plan

Author: AZCTECC .

Early Childhood Education Curriculum Year 1, Early Childhood Professional Organizations, ECE ECE Programs - Lesson 2 Unit 13 Year 1

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This unit explains the role of the National Association for the Education of Young Children and other professional organizations such as the role of First Things First and Quality First Initiative. Additionally, students will conduct formal and informal research on early childhood professional organizations with an ELA enhanced lesson.

Material Type: Lesson, Lesson Plan

Author: AZCTECC .

Early Childhood Education Curriculum Year 1, Health and Safety in Early Childhood Environments, ECE Common Childhood Diseases - Lesson 3 Unit 8 Year 1

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In this lesson, students will explore ways to implement and maintain safety practices in an early childhood environment based on Arizona Department of Heath Services Childcare Regulations as well as OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standards. Students will identify possible safety hazards in and around indoor and outdoor childcare settings including playground, toy, and equipment safety. Additionally, students will learn basic First Aid and CPR techniques. Finally, students will describe basic health practices and prevention procedures related to childhood illnesses and communicable diseases.

Material Type: Lesson, Lesson Plan

Author: AZCTECC .

Early Childhood Education Curriculum Year 1, Early Childhood Professional Organizations, ECE Research in the Field - ELA Enhanced - Lesson 3 Unit 13 Year 1

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This unit explains the role of the National Association for the Education of Young Children and other professional organizations such as the role of First Things First and Quality First Initiative. Additionally, students will conduct formal and informal research on early childhood professional organizations with an ELA enhanced lesson.

Material Type: Lesson, Lesson Plan

Author: AZCTECC .

Early Childhood Education Curriculum Year 1, Early Childhood Professional Organizations, ECE Professional Organizations - Lesson 1 Unit 13 Year 1

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This unit explains the role of the National Association for the Education of Young Children and other professional organizations such as the role of First Things First and Quality First Initiative. Additionally, students will conduct formal and informal research on early childhood professional organizations with an ELA enhanced lesson.

Material Type: Lesson, Lesson Plan

Author: AZCTECC .

Early Childhood Education Curriculum Year 1, Early Childhood Education Curriculum Overview, Early Childhood Education Year 1 Benchmark Assessment

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This‌ ‌Year 1 Assessment Test Map is‌ ‌aligned‌ ‌to‌ ‌the‌ ‌Blueprint‌ ‌for‌ ‌Instruction‌ ‌and‌ ‌Assessment as well as the Scope & Sequence. ‌It‌ documents the number of assessment items on the Year 1 Program Benchmark Assessment in alignment with the Technical Skills Assessment. This‌ ‌Test Map ‌corresponds‌ ‌with‌ ‌the‌ technical ‌standards‌ ‌endorsed‌ ‌in‌ ‌May 2019.

Material Type: Assessment

Author: AZCTECC .