All resources in Law and Public Safety

Pipeline AZ

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Explore Careers, Industries, and Education Programs in Arizona. Pipeline AZ is a cloud based workforce ecosystem helping people figure out who they are and what they can do.

Material Type: Interactive, Primary Source, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Pipeline AZ

Self-Study Guide for Career Readiness in Secondary Schools

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This self-study guide provides state and local education agencies and schools with a tool to assess the implementation of career readiness practices across a district or secondary school and to plan improvements. It is arranged by implementation areas that have been found to be important to career readiness efforts based on a review of the literature and discussions with stakeholders. Each area includes guiding questions for discussion, potential sources of evidence, and a rating scale for self-assessment of implementation. This process of ongoing discussion, evidence use, and self-assessment can help states, districts, and secondary schools improve the effectiveness of career readiness practices.

Material Type: Case Study, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: AZCTECC .

Law and Public Safety Curriculum Year 2, Corrections Part II, Law and Public Safety: Corrections Part 2 Thematic Unit

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In this unit students will learn about prison life, inmate behavior, officer duties (cell searches, cell extractions), specialized officer units, transporting prisoners, special populations, parole, and probation.  Suggestions for additional content on the death penalty and solitary confinement are also provided.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: AZCTECC .

Law and Public Safety Curriculum Year 2, Careers, Skills & Professionalism, Law and Public Safety: Careers Skills and Professionalism Project

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In this lesson, the students will:Research potential jobs in Law and Public Safety; Define important elements of the employment application process; Explain written test strategies in the field of LPS; Demonstrate knowledge of the physical fitness requirements in a LPS candidate; Compile a portfolio; Demonstrate professionalism in oral boards/interviews; Complete a simulated background check process; Explore career options through field trips and guest speakers.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: AZCTECC .

Law and Public Safety Curriculum Year 2, Advanced First Aid, PROJECT: Law and Public Safety: Advanced First Aid

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In this project, students will:Describe situations requiring first aid and emergency care.Demonstrate standard precautions to protect against disease exposure.Practice basic medical emergency and first aid procedures.Demonstrate professionalism in a simulated emergency.Create a First Aid/CPR skit to simulate skills learned.Present a skit that shows creativity and realistic procedures.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan

Author: AZCTECC .

Law and Public Safety Curriculum Year 2, Corrections Part I, Law and Public Safety: Thematic Unit: Corrections Part 1

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In this lesson the students will:Describe the difference between jail and prison, between custody levels, between federal, state and county correction facilities, and career options within the correctional system.Differentiate the goals of corrections.Define terminology and ithe role of a corrections officer.Explain prison classification systems and the role of private prisons.  Examine the arguments for and against privatization and Arizona Revised Statutes Title 31.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: AZCTECC .

Law and Public Safety Curriculum Year 2, Advanced Scenarios, Law and Public Safety Advanced Scenarios PROJECT

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In this project students will:Explore the processes for levels of force, suspect control, weapon recovery, arrest techniques, control tactics, edged weapons, and less-lethal weapons.Discuss the use of less-lethal equipment and tactics (e.g., impact weapons, chemical control agents, and electronically controlled weapons).Construct scenarios.Demonstrate police proficiency skills that prompt increased investigation techniques and critical thinking.Compose professional police reports.Evaluate skills and growth.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson

Author: AZCTECC .

Law and Public Safety Curriculum Year 2, Capstone & Reflection, Law and Public Safety: Capstone and Reflection PROJECT

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In this lesson the students will:Reflect on areas of growth and change.Develop a personal philosophy statement that summarizes your values and beliefs regarding law and public safety.Create a video presentation on a focused area of study within Law and Public Safety reflecting on your greatest area of interest.Demonstrate professionalism in communication.Summarize course takeaways with advice to future classes. 

Material Type: Lesson

Author: AZCTECC .

Law and Public Safety Curriculum Year 1, Law & Public Safety Curriculum Overview, Law and Public Safety Scope & Sequence and Task Analysis

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A Scope and Sequence document is a tool that provides a brief outline of the standards and recommended teaching order for a particular course. A Scope and Sequence document outlines for each year of the program three crucial learning criteria: the Technical and Professional Skill Standards to be taught in each unit, the suggested order for teaching the content and skills, and the number of units to be included in each grading cycle or quarter.The suggested Task Analysis refers to the suggested flow of each unit to ensure coherence and completeness. Its purpose is to give direction to designing curriculum.  It is aligned to both the Program Blueprint for Instruction & Assessment as well as the Instructional Framework and Scope and Sequence.

Material Type: Student Guide

Author: AZCTECC .