Law & Public Safety New Units Published

by Jennifer Brooks 1 year, 3 months ago

Hello Law & Public Safety Group Members! 

We are happy to report Year 2 Unit 10 Careers, Skills, & Professionalism and Unit 11 Technical Skills Assessment (TSA) Review covering 21 instructional days have been added to the CTE Curriculum Connection. The two project-based units are available for you to download, remix, and use today.

In the career unit, students will:

  • Research potential jobs in Law and Public Safety
  • Define important elements of the employment application process
  • Explain written test strategies in the field of LPS
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the physical fitness requirements in a LPS candidate
  • Compile a portfolio
  • Demonstrate professionalism in oral boards/interviews
  • Complete a simulated background check process
  • Explore career options through field trips and guest speaker

In the TSA review unit, they will:

  • Create review materials
  • Prepare a concept board and presentation
  • Determine knowledge of all technical standards in a practice assessment
  • Demonstrate mastery of program knowledge in the final assessment

You may now access the units now via the Law & Public Safety Program Group Resources HERE by clicking the link for VETTED - Law and Public Safety Curriculum Year 2.

Also, in case you missed it: Did you know there is a curated AZCTECC YouTube Playlist for Law & Public Safety? Check it out HERE.

More resources are in the works and notifications will be made via this discussion forum when they are posted and available. Feel free to save any items to your profile by using the orange Save button when viewing any resource. 

Don't forget to visit the Training Hub for more details on what the CTE Curriculum Connection contains and how you can make the most out of the resources and collaboration features.

Thank you!