Law and Public Safety Year 1 and Year 2 Curriculum Complete

by Jennifer Brooks 11 months, 1 week ago

Hello Law and Public Safety Group Members,

We are happy to report that Year 2 Unit 12 Advanced Scenarios and Y2 Unit 13 Capstone & Reflection have been uploaded to the CTE Curriculum Connection.

In these two units, covering 8 weeks of instructional time, students will:

  • Explore the processes for levels of force, suspect control, weapon recovery, arrest techniques, control tactics, edged weapons, and less-lethal weapons.
  • Discuss the use of less-lethal equipment and tactics (e.g., impact weapons, chemical control agents, and electronically controlled weapons).
  • Construct scenarios and demonstrate police proficiency skills that prompt increased investigation techniques and critical thinking.
  • Compose professional police reports and evaluate their skills and growth.


  • Reflect on areas of growth and change.
  • Develop a personal philosophy statement that summarizes your values and beliefs regarding law and public safety.
  • create a video presentation on a focused area of study within Law and Public Safety reflecting on your greatest area of interest.
  • Demonstrate professionalism in communication. and summarize course takeaways with advice to future classes.

Each unit and project is available for you to access now via the Group Resources Folders for Law & Public Safety HERE. Select the Law & Public Safety Curriculum Year 2 folder to open and view the units.

Feel free to save any items to your profile by using the blue Save button when viewing any resource. 

The publication of this unit completes the curriculum for Law and Public Safety based on the Scope & Sequence and Task Analysis. We would like to thank the current LPS classroom teacher who worked closely with our staff to develop these valuable lessons, units, and projects.

Thank you!