All resources in Technology Devices Maintenance

Technology Devices Maintenance Curriculum Year 1, Technology Devices Maintenance Curriculum Overview, Technology Devices Maintenance Instructional Resources

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Technology Devices Maintenance Instructional Resources including Program Technical Standards, Professional Skill Standards, Blueprint for Instruction and Assessment, Instructional Framework, Instructional Terminology, and Identified Industry Certifications List.

Material Type: Syllabus, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: AZCTECC .

Arizona Career Literacy - Arizona Department of Education

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ARIZONA CAREER LITERACY Career Literacy allows students to explore their passions and translate those passions into viable careers. It exposes students to a wide variety of careers, including those they may never have heard of. Career Literacy provides a pathway for students to create long-term goals as they make their way toward graduation and beyond. This page contains the AZ Career Literacy Standards as well as a wealth of other valuable information and resources.

Material Type: Primary Source

Author: Arizona Department of Education

Career Exploration Bingo

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 Work your way through the activities below to earn a BINGO!  Try for a BINGO each week, or blackout the card by the end of the school year!  Click the topic link at the top to find out more about each challenge, and complete your responses to each challenge on the BINGO card on page 2.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: AZCTECC .

My Future AZ

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My Future AZ utilizes proven technology and infrastructure from Pipeline AZ, an Arizona career development and job skills exploration platform, to offer students comprehensive resources and support to plan for their future careers. Pipeline AZ (PAZ) is a community-funded platform supporting student and adult career explorers, job seekers, workforce organizations, education and training providers, and employers. The platform has received statewide support as the end-to-end solution for stakeholders across workforce development due to its unique features and benefits, as well as its comprehensive reporting capabilities.

Material Type: Primary Source

Authors: ADE CTE, Pipeline AZ

Pipeline AZ

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Explore Careers, Industries, and Education Programs in Arizona. Pipeline AZ is a cloud based workforce ecosystem helping people figure out who they are and what they can do.

Material Type: Interactive, Primary Source, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Pipeline AZ

Self-Study Guide for Career Readiness in Secondary Schools

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This self-study guide provides state and local education agencies and schools with a tool to assess the implementation of career readiness practices across a district or secondary school and to plan improvements. It is arranged by implementation areas that have been found to be important to career readiness efforts based on a review of the literature and discussions with stakeholders. Each area includes guiding questions for discussion, potential sources of evidence, and a rating scale for self-assessment of implementation. This process of ongoing discussion, evidence use, and self-assessment can help states, districts, and secondary schools improve the effectiveness of career readiness practices.

Material Type: Case Study, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: AZCTECC .

Ampere's Law

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The lesson begins with a demonstration introducing students to the force between two current carrying loops, comparing the attraction and repulsion between the loops to that between two magnets. After formal lecture on Ampere's law, students begin to use the concepts to calculate the magnetic field around a loop. This is applied to determine the magnetic field of a toroid, imagining a toroid as a looped solenoid.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan

Author: Eric Appelt

Applications of Systems of Equations: An Electronic Circuit

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Does the real-world application of science depend on mathematics? In this activity, students answer this question as they experience a real-world application of systems of equations. Given a system of linear equations that mathematically models a specific circuit—students start by solving a system of three equations for the currents. After becoming familiar with the parts of a breadboard, groups use a breadboard, resistors and jumper wires to each build the same (physical) electric circuit from the provided circuit diagram. Then they use voltmeters to measure the current flow across each resistor and calculate the current using Ohm’s law. They compare the mathematically derived current values to the measured values, and calculate the percentage difference of their results. This leads students to conclude that real-world applications of science do indeed depend on mathematics! Students make posters to communicate their results and conclusions. A pre/post-activity quiz and student worksheet are provided. Adjustable for math- or science-focused classrooms.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Marianne Livezey

Bulbs & Batteries in a Row

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Everyday we are surrounded by circuits that use "in parallel" and "in series" circuitry. Complicated circuits designed by engineers are composed of many simpler parallel and series circuits. During this activity, students build a simple series circuit and discover the properties associated with series circuits.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Daria Kotys-Schwartz, Denise Carlson, Joe Friedrichsen, Malinda Schaefer Zarske, Sabre Duren, Xochitl Zamora Thompson

Changing Fields

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This lesson begins with an activity in which students induce EMF in a coil of wire using magnetic fields. Then, demonstrations on Eddy currents show how a magnetic field can slow magnets just as Eddy currents are used to slow large trains. There is then a demonstration in which a loop "jumps" because of a changing magnetic field. Finally, formal lecture reviews the cross product with respect to magnetic force and introduces magnetic flux, Faraday's law of Induction, Lenz's Law, Eddy currents, motional EMF and Induced EMF.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan

Author: Eric Appelt

Electricity and Magnetic Fields

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The grand challenge for this legacy cycle unit is for students to design a way to help a recycler separate aluminum from steel scrap metal. In previous lessons, they have looked at how magnetism might be utilized. In this lesson, students think about how they might use magnets and how they might confront the problem of turning the magnetic field off. Through the accompanying activity students explore the nature of an electrically induced magnetic field and its applicability to the needed magnet.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Justin Montenegro