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Elementary School Engineering Design Field Day
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Educational Use
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This unit provides the framework for conducting an “engineering design field day” that combines 6 hands-on engineering activities into a culminating school (or multi-school) competition. The activities are a mix of design and problem-solving projects inspired by real-world engineering challenges: kite making, sail cars, tall towers, strong towers and a ball and tools obstacle course. The assortment of events engage children who have varied interests and cover a range of disciplines such as aerospace, mechanical and civil engineering. An optional math test—for each of grades 1-6—is provided as an alternative activity to incorporate into the field day event. Of course, the 6 activities in this unit also are suitable to conduct as standalone activities that are unaffiliated with a big event.

Engineering and Information Technologies
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Provider Set:
Alexander Kon
Alisa Lee
Andrew Palermo
Christopher Langel
Destiny Garcia
Duff Harold
Eric Anderson
Jean Vandergheynst
Jeff Kessler
Josh Claypool
Kelley Hestmark
Lauren Jabusch
Nadia Richards
Sara Pace
Tiffany Tu
Travis Smith
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