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Below are globally focused projects, written by career and technical education (CTE) educators and aligned to the Common Core by ELA, math, and science educators, can be used as standalone projects in one CTE classroom or can be combined by multiple CTE educators in a building. These projects are based around four themes (Food Security, Clean Energy: Solar or Wind, Women's Health, and Cybersecurity) and contain the lesson plans, assessment information, and auxiliary materials an educator needs for implementation.
- Subject:
- AgriScience
- Agriculture and Welding
- Architectural Drafting
- Business and Marketing Education
- Construction Science Technologies
- Culinary Arts
- Engineering and Information Technologies
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- Finance
- Health Science Technologies
- Law and Public Safety
- Network Security
- Precision Machining
- Public Service Careers
- Material Type:
- Lesson
- Author:
- Digital Promise
- Date Added:
- 12/09/2022