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  • Unit of Study
Creative Engineering Design
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Students are introduced to the world of creative engineering product design. Through six activities, teams work through the steps of the engineering design process (or loop) by completing an actual design challenge presented in six steps. The project challenge is left up to the teacher or class to determine; it might be one decided by the teacher, brainstormed with the class, or the example provided (to design a prosthetic arm that can perform a mechanical function). As students begin by defining the problem, they learn to recognize the need, identify a target population, relate to the project, and identify its requirements and constraints. Then they conduct research, brainstorm alternative solutions, evaluate possible solutions, create and test prototypes, and consider issues for manufacturing. See the Unit Schedule section for a list of example design project topics.

Architectural Drafting
Construction Science Technologies
Engineering and Information Technologies
Material Type:
Full Course
Unit of Study
Provider Set:
See individual activities.
Date Added:
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

Through eight lessons, students are introduced to many facets of dams, including their basic components, the common types (all designed to resist strong forces), their primary benefits (electricity generation, water supply, flood control, irrigation, recreation), and their importance (historically, currently and globally). Through an introduction to kinetic and potential energy, students come to understand how dams generate electricity. They learn about the structure, function and purpose of locks, which involves an introduction to Pascal's law, water pressure and gravity. Other lessons introduce students to common environmental impacts of dams and the engineering approaches to address them. They learn about the life cycle of salmon and the many engineered dam structures that aid in their river passage, as they think of their own methods and devices that could help fish migrate past dams. Students learn how dams and reservoirs become part of the Earth's hydrologic cycle, focusing on the role of evaporation. To conclude, students learn that dams do not last forever; they require ongoing maintenance, occasionally fail or succumb to "old age," or are no longer needed, and are sometimes removed. Through associated hands-on activities, students track their personal water usage; use clay and plastic containers to model and test four types of dam structures; use paper cups and water to learn about water pressure and Pascal's Law; explore kinetic energy by creating their own experimental waterwheel from two-liter plastic bottles; collect and count a stream's insects to gauge its health; play an animated PowerPoint game to quiz their understanding of the salmon life cycle and fish ladders; run a weeklong experiment to measure water evaporation and graph their data; and research eight dams to find out and compare their original purposes, current status, reservoir capacity and lifespan. Woven throughout the unit is a continuing hypothetical scenario in which students act as consulting engineers with a Splash Engineering firm, assisting Thirsty County in designing a dam for Birdseye River.

Engineering and Information Technologies
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Unit of Study
Provider Set:
Date Added:
Digital Lessons for K-12
0.0 stars

Want to prepare your students for career and life success, but short on time? Busy teachers use EVERFI’s standards-aligned, research-based digital lessons to teach students to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Join the 60,000+ teachers who used EVERFI's award-winning lessons this past school year! Interactive, game-based lessons designed by experienced educators help you engage students at all grade levels and bring real-world skills to your classroom.

Financial Practices
Professional Skills
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Date Added:
Digital Mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Geographic information systems (GIS), once used predominantly by experts in cartography and computer programming, have become pervasive in everyday business and consumer use. This unit explores GIS in general as a technology about which much more can be learned, and it also explores applications of that technology. Students experience GIS technology through the use of Google Earth on the environmental topic of plastics in the ocean in an area known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The use of this topic in GIS makes the unit multidisciplinary, incorporating the physics of ocean currents, the chemistry associated with pollutant degradation and chemical sorption to organic-rich plastics, and ecological impact to aquatic biota.

Engineering and Information Technologies
Physical Geography
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Unit of Study
Provider Set:
Andrey Koptelov
Nathan Howell
Date Added:
Dream It, Build It, Launch It!
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This Super Lesson utilizes Project Based Learning to assist learners with designing, building, and testing flying contraptions as an introduction to Engineering. The goal of this project is to engage students in collaborative team work and to introduce students to the Science and Engineering Practices: Asking Questions and Defining Problems, Planning and Carrying Out Investigations, and Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions.

We have offered this Super Lesson as an 8-week elective course, developing and strengthening student interest in applied Math and Science topics. It could also be offered within upper elementary or middle school Science and Math courses. In addition, each week’s topic could be used as a stand alone mini-lesson if time is limited. We have worked to include multiple options within this unit to make it accessible to both general education and special education programs, including recommendations for modifications and extensions.

Engineering and Information Technologies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Lane County STEM Hub
Provider Set:
Content in Context SuperLessons
Date Added:
Elementary School Engineering Design Field Day
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

This unit provides the framework for conducting an “engineering design field day” that combines 6 hands-on engineering activities into a culminating school (or multi-school) competition. The activities are a mix of design and problem-solving projects inspired by real-world engineering challenges: kite making, sail cars, tall towers, strong towers and a ball and tools obstacle course. The assortment of events engage children who have varied interests and cover a range of disciplines such as aerospace, mechanical and civil engineering. An optional math test—for each of grades 1-6—is provided as an alternative activity to incorporate into the field day event. Of course, the 6 activities in this unit also are suitable to conduct as standalone activities that are unaffiliated with a big event.

Engineering and Information Technologies
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Provider Set:
Alexander Kon
Alisa Lee
Andrew Palermo
Christopher Langel
Destiny Garcia
Duff Harold
Eric Anderson
Jean Vandergheynst
Jeff Kessler
Josh Claypool
Kelley Hestmark
Lauren Jabusch
Nadia Richards
Sara Pace
Tiffany Tu
Travis Smith
Date Added:
Engineering Nature: DNA Visualization and Manipulation
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Students are introduced to genetic techniques such as DNA electrophoresis and imaging technologies used for molecular and DNA structure visualization. In the field of molecular biology and genetics, biomedical engineering plays an increasing role in the development of new medical treatments and discoveries. Engineering applications of nanotechnology such as lab-on-a-chip and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) microarrays are used to study the human genome and decode the complex interactions involved in genetic processes.

Engineering and Information Technologies
Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Provider Set:
Mircea Ionescu
Myla Van Duyn
Date Added:
Engineering Out of Harry Situations: The Science Behind Harry Potter
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Under the "The Science Behind Harry Potter" theme, a succession of diverse complex scientific topics are presented to students through direct immersive interaction. Student interest is piqued by the incorporation of popular culture into the classroom via a series of interactive, hands-on Harry Potter/movie-themed lessons and activities. They learn about the basics of acid/base chemistry (invisible ink), genetics and trait prediction (parseltongue trait in families), and force and projectile motion (motion of the thrown remembrall). In each lesson and activity, students are also made aware of the engineering connections to these fields of scientific study.

Engineering and Information Technologies
Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Provider Set:
Christine Hawthorne
Rachel Howser
Date Added:
Engineering and Empathy: Teaching the Engineering Design Process through Assistive Devices
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Students follow the steps of the engineering design process (EDP) while learning about assistive devices and biomedical engineering. They first go through a design-build-test activity to learn the steps of the cyclical engineering design process. Then, during the three main activities (7 x 55 minutes each) student teams are given a fictional client statement and follow the EDP steps to design products an off-road wheelchair, a portable wheelchair ramp, and an automatic floor sweeper computer program. Students brainstorm ideas, identify suitable materials and demonstrate different methods of representing solutions to their design problems scale drawings or programming descriptions, and simple models or classroom prototypes.

Engineering and Information Technologies
Health Science Technologies
Material Type:
Full Course
Unit of Study
Provider Set:
Jared R. Quinn
Kristen Billiar
Terri Camesano
Date Added:
Environmental Challenges in China: From Rural Villages to Big Cities
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Students learn about the wonderful and fascinating country of China, and its environmental challenges that require engineering solutions, many in the form of increased energy efficiency, the incorporation of renewable energy, and new engineering developments for urban and rural areas. China is fast becoming an extremely influential factor in our world today, and will likely have a large role in shaping the decades ahead. China is the world's largest energy consumer and the largest producer of carbon dioxide emissions, leading engineers and scientists to be concerned about the role these emissions play in rural and urban public and environmental health, as well as in global climate change. Through exploring some sources of air pollution, appropriate housing for different climate zones, and the types of renewable energy, the lessons and activities of this unit present ways that engineers are helping people in China, using an approach to cleaner, smarter, healthier and more-efficient ways of living that apply to people wherever they live.

Engineering and Information Technologies
Material Type:
Full Course
Unit of Study
Provider Set:
Abigail T. Watrous
Denise W. Carlson
Janet Yowell
Stephanie Rivale
Date Added:
Environmental Engineering and Water Chemistry
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Students are introduced to the fundamentals of environmental engineering as well as the global air, land and water quality concerns facing today's environmental engineers. After a lesson and activity to introduce environmental engineering, students learn more about water chemistry aspects of environmental engineering. Specifically, they focus on groundwater contamination and remediation, including sources of contamination, adverse health effects of contaminated drinking water, and current and new remediation techniques. Several lab activities provide hands-on experiences with topics relevant to environmental engineering concerns and technologies, including removal efficiencies of activated carbon in water filtration, measuring pH, chromatography as a physical separation method, density and miscibility.

Engineering and Information Technologies
Material Type:
Full Course
Unit of Study
Provider Set:
Barry Williams
Jessica Ray
Phyllis Balcerzak
Date Added:
Exploring Solar Power
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Students explore the methods engineers have devised for harnessing sunlight to generate power. First, they investigate heat transfer and heat storage through the construction, testing and use of a solar oven. With a lesson focused on photovoltaic cells, students learn the concepts of energy conversion, conservation of energy, current and voltage. By constructing model solar powered cars, students see these conceptual ideas manifested in modern technology. Furthermore, the solar car project provides opportunities to explore a number of other topics, such as gear ratios and simple mechanics. Both of these design and construction projects are examples of engineering design.

Engineering and Information Technologies
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Unit of Study
Provider Set:
Lauren Powell
Date Added:
Fabulous Fibonacci and his Nifty Numbers (2016-17)
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Studying the Fibonacci Sequence is our entry point for studying Heredity: Inheritance and variation of traits.

Life Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Lane County STEM Hub
Provider Set:
Content in Context SuperLessons
Jill Neider
John Whisler
Date Added:
Feel Better Faster: All about Flow Rate
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

All of us have felt sick at some point in our lives. Many times, we find ourselves asking, "What is the quickest way that I can start to feel better?" During this two-lesson unit, students study that question and determine which form of medicine delivery (pill, liquid, injection/shot) offers the fastest relief. This challenge question serves as a real-world context for learning all about flow rates. Students study how long various prescription methods take to introduce chemicals into our blood streams, as well as use flow rate to determine how increasing a person's heart rate can theoretically make medicines work more quickly. Students are introduced to engineering devices that simulate what occurs during the distribution of antibiotic cells in the body.

Engineering and Information Technologies
Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Provider Set:
Michelle Woods
Date Added:
Floaters and Sinkers
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Students are introduced to the important concept of density with a focus is on the more easily understood densities of solids. Students use different methods to determine the densities of solid objects, including water displacement to determine volumes of irregularly-shaped objects. By comparing densities of various solids to the density of water, and by considering the behavior of different solids when placed in water, students conclude that ordinarily, objects with densities greater than water sink, while those with densities less than water float. Then they explore the principle of buoyancy, and through further experimentation arrive at Archimedes' principle that a floating object displaces a mass of water equal to its own mass. Students may be surprised to discover that a floating object displaces more water than a sinking object of the same volume.

Engineering and Information Technologies
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Unit of Study
Provider Set:
Mary R. Hebrank
Date Added:
Forces All Around
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Through a series of three lessons, each with its own hands-on activity, students are introduced to 1) forces, loads and stress, 2) tensile loads and failure, and 3) torsion on structures—fundamental physics concepts that are critical to understanding the built world. The associated activities engage students through experimenting with hot glue gun sticks to experience tension, compression and torsion; the design of plastic chair webbing strips; and problem-solving to reinforce foam insulation "antenna towers" to withstand specified bending and twisting.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Provider Set:
Date Added:
From Colonialism to Tourism: Maps in American Culture
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

From the earliest days of settlement and migration, the people of North America have relied on maps and mapping to understand their environment and place within it. Maps have helped Americans prospect investments, comprehend war, and plan leisure in places unknown. As Americans have used maps to explore the U.S., capitalize on its resources, and displace its Native peoples, maps have shaped American cultural ideas about travel, place, and ownership. This exhibit explores the cultural and historic impact of mapping through four specific moments in American history: migration along the Oregon Trail, the rise of the lumber industry, the Civil War, and the popularization of the automobile and individual tourism. It concludes with a look at maps in the age of computers, the Internet, and beyond. These moments demonstrate the influence maps have had over how Americans imagine, exploit, and interact with national geographies and local places. This exhibition was created as part of the DPLA’s Digital Curation Program by the following students in Professor Helene Williams's capstone course at the Information School at the University of Washington: Greg Bem, Kili Bergau, Emily Felt, and Jessica Blanchard. Additional revisions and selections made by Greg Bem.

Social Science
Social Studies
Material Type:
Primary Source
Unit of Study
Digital Public Library of America
Provider Set:
DPLA Exhibitions
Emily Felt
Greg Bem
Jessica Blanchard
Kili Bergau
Date Added:
Georgia's Home Front: World War II
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Three years before the United States entered World War II, President Roosevelt declared the South to be "the nation's number one economic problem." Georgia's economy was distinctly agricultural and low-wage, with little manufacturing compared with states in the North and Midwest. The median family income was nearly half of the national average. One year later, an influx of federal defense money established new industries, such as the Bell Aircraft plant in Marietta, and expanded existing ones, such as the J. A. Jones Construction Company in Brunswick. While 320,000 Georgians served in the United States Armed Forces, tens of thousands of Georgians repaired aircraft, built B-29 bombers, and worked in shipyards at home during the war. Meanwhile, military training was widespread throughout Georgia, occupying its fields as well as skies. Capitalizing on the state's flat coastal region and mild winters, Army airfields were installed in Savannah, Statesboro, Thomasville, and Waycross, and pilots trained in Albany, Augusta, Americus, and Douglas. Thousands of soldiers passed through Fort Benning and Fort Oglethorpe, where members of the Women's Army Corps trained for positions at home and abroad. World War II employment was crucial to the economic development of the state, ushering in the transformation to a modern, industrial, and diverse Georgia. This exhibition was created as part of the DPLA's Public Library Partnerships Project by collaborators from the Digital Library of Georgia and Georgia's public libraries. Exhibition organizers: Mandy Mastrovita and Greer Martin.

Social Science
Social Studies
Material Type:
Primary Source
Unit of Study
Digital Public Library of America
Provider Set:
DPLA Exhibitions
Greer Martin
Mandy Mastrovita
Date Added:
Golden Age of Radio in the US
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Tuning into the radio is now an integrated part of our everyday lives. We tune in while we drive, while we work, while we cook in our kitchens. Just 100 years ago, it was a novelty to turn on a radio. The radio emerged at the turn of the twentieth century, the result of decades of scientific experimentation with the theory that information could be transmitted over long distances. Radio as a medium reached its peak—the so-called Radio Golden Age—during the Great Depression and World War II. This was a time when the world was rapidly changing, and for the first time Americans experienced those history-making events as they happened. The emergence and popularity of radio shifted not just the way Americans across the country experienced news and entertainment, but also the way they communicated. This exhibition explores the development, rise, and adaptation of the radio, and its impact on American culture.

Social Science
Social Studies
Material Type:
Primary Source
Unit of Study
Digital Public Library of America
Provider Set:
DPLA Exhibitions
Hillary Brady
Date Added:
Grade 7 Mathematics
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

In order to assist educators with the implementation of the Common Core, the New York State Education Department provides curricular modules in P-12 English Language Arts and Mathematics that schools and districts can adopt or adapt for local purposes. The full year of Grade 7 Mathematics curriculum is available from the module links.

Material Type:
Full Course
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
New York State Education Department
Provider Set:
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