Over 200+ videos, tutorials, and modules covering Computers, Technology, the Internet, Software …
Over 200+ videos, tutorials, and modules covering Computers, Technology, the Internet, Software Applications, Career Planning, Job Search, Money Management, Workplace Skills, Applying for Jobs, Work Life, Digital Skills, Photography and Graphics, Social Media, and more along with Teacher Guides and additional Resources and Tools.
Arizona Business Education Association (ABEA) Mission; to provide support, professional growth, and …
Arizona Business Education Association (ABEA) Mission; to provide support, professional growth, and leadership opportunities to business, media, and technology educators through networking and conferences. We are Arizona Business Educators!
Welcome to the largest and oldest business student organization in the world! …
Welcome to the largest and oldest business student organization in the world! Over a quarter of a million high school and middle school students, college and university students, faculty, educators, administrators, and business professionals have chosen to be members of the premier business education association preparing students for careers in business!
Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) education association with a quarter million students preparing for careers in business and business-related fields. The association has four divisions:
1. Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) for high school students
2. FBLA-Middle Level for junior high, middle, and intermediate school students;
3. Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) for post-secondary students; and
4. Professional Division for business people, FBLA-PBL alumni, educators, and parents who support the goals of the association.
This is the first edition of the open text book Building a …
This is the first edition of the open text book Building a Competitive Investment Climate on First Nation Lands. This textbook is for students who are First Nation and tribal government employees or students who would like to work for or with First Nation and tribal governments. The purpose of this textbook is to help interested First Nation and tribal governments build a competitive investment climate. Work began on this text book in early 2012 with a generous grant from the Donner Canadian Foundation. Financial support was also provided by the First Nations Tax Commission and the Tulo Centre.
Business Ethics is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of …
Business Ethics is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the single-semester business ethics course. This title includes innovative features designed to enhance student learning, including case studies, application scenarios, and links to video interviews with executives, all of which help instill in students a sense of ethical awareness and responsibility.
Business Law I Essentials is a brief introductory textbook designed to meet …
Business Law I Essentials is a brief introductory textbook designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of courses on Business Law or the Legal Environment of Business. The concepts are presented in a streamlined manner, and cover the key concepts necessary to establish a strong foundation in the subject. The textbook follows a traditional approach to the study of business law. Each chapter contains learning objectives, explanatory narrative and concepts, references for further reading, and end-of-chapter questions.
Business Law I Essentials may need to be supplemented with additional content, cases, or related materials, and is offered as a foundational resource that focuses on the baseline concepts, issues, and approaches.
In this lesson, student will:Assess lifestyle wants and needs.Research costs for living …
In this lesson, student will:Assess lifestyle wants and needs.Research costs for living independently.Practice a simulated experience of living within a budget.
In this lesson, students will:Develop a budget for a dream car purchase.Calculate …
In this lesson, students will:Develop a budget for a dream car purchase.Calculate a long-term plan for earnings and savings.Compare types of payment options.
Econ Lowdown is an award-winning free economic education portal for teachers and …
Econ Lowdown is an award-winning free economic education portal for teachers and students. In addition to classroom management tools, Econ Lowdown provides online modules, articles, videos and podcasts for teaching economics and personal finance in ways that are engaging and relevant to students.
This book contains eight chapters. Chapter Two briefly describes the technology that …
This book contains eight chapters. Chapter Two briefly describes the technology that makes electronic commerce possible, while Chapter Three introduces the topic of Web strategy. The major functions of marketing are described in the next five chapters: Promotion (Chapter Four); Promotion and Purchase (Chapter Five); Distribution (Chapter Six); Service (Chapter Seven); and Pricing (Chapter Eight). The final chapter takes a broader, societal perspective and discusses the influence of electronic commerce on society.
An introductory textbook in business that covers a variety of topics: The …
An introductory textbook in business that covers a variety of topics: The Foundations of Business, Economics and Business, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Business in a Global Environment, Forms of Business Ownership, Entrepreneurship: Starting a Business, Management and Leadership, Structuring Organizations, Operations Management, Motivating Employees, Managing Human Resources, Union/Management Issues, Marketing: Providing Value, Accounting and Financial Information, and Personal Finances.
Introductory Business Statistics with Interactive Spreadsheets - 1st Canadian Edition is an …
Introductory Business Statistics with Interactive Spreadsheets - 1st Canadian Edition is an adaptation of Thomas K. Tiemann's book, "Introductory Business Statistics". In addition to covering basics such as populations, samples, the difference between data and information, and sampling distributions, descriptive statistics and frequency distributions, normal and t-distributions, hypothesis testing, t-tests, f-tests, analysis of variance, non-parametric tests, and regression basics, the following information has been added: the chi-square test and categorical variables, null and alternative hypotheses for the test of independence, simple linear regression model, least squares method, coefficient of determination, confidence interval for the average of the dependent variable, and prediction interval for a specific value of the dependent variable. This new edition also allows readers to learn the basic and most commonly applied statistical techniques in business in an interactive way -- when using the web version -- through interactive Excel spreadsheets. All information has been revised to reflect Canadian content.
The Learning Prism is on a mission to transform the lives of …
The Learning Prism is on a mission to transform the lives of underserved and underprivileged communities through the power of education. They are committed to providing accessible high-quality learning resources to empower communities and unlock the potential of countless individuals who deserve a brighter future.
Free online curricula include a variety of courses in categories such as Administrative Skills, Career Development, Human Resources, Microsoft Suite, Personal Development, Sales and Marketing, Supervisors and Managers, and Workplace Essentials.
Mastering Strategic Management is designed to enhance student engagement in three innovative …
Mastering Strategic Management is designed to enhance student engagement in three innovative ways. The first is through visual adaptations of the key content in the book. It is well documented that many of todays students are visual learners. To meet students wants and needs (and thereby create a much better teaching experience for professors), Mastering Strategic Management contains multiple graphic concept pages in ever section of every chapter of the book. Think of graphic concept pages as almost like info-graphics for key concepts in each
My Next Move is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment …
My Next Move is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration, and developed by the National Center for O*NET Development.
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